Monday, February 24, 2014

The Woman at the Well

Last week absolutely put the cray-in crazy. (My friends reading this totally just disowned me for saying that.) Between hosting a bridal shower, unexpected doctor's appointments, in-laws visiting, and wedding season kicking into high gear at Beatrice Lanes leaving me working on custom wedding invitations until dawn. I was overdrawn emotionally and physically exhausted.
I also forgot until the last minute that the Mr. was going to be out of town all weekend for a ministry conference with another pastor friend of his. Let's just say that I didn't handle that rude reminder with grace. It was more like a teary, blubbering mess of me telling him...if you really feel like God is leading you to go to this conference then I want you to go-but if not I could really use a break with just us. He handled me graciously, but said that he did genuinely feel like God wanted him at that conference, hugged me, prayed over me and was on his way.
So there was that.
While there is nothing wrong with wanting to spend some time with our spouses, it all led me to remember one thing...I'm the woman at the well. I'm needy. Worn out. Exhausted. Done. And looking for my drink at the wrong well.

I haven't had 5 husbands, but I've been to more than 5 "fake wells" in my lifetime to find my fulfillment.
And I do that so swiftly, without even acknowledging it. This weekend was a perfect example. I was worn out, needy of rest, thirsty, and my first response was for my husband to stay home with meet those needs for me. It's not right for me, and it's not fair to him. Anytime I'm seeking a false well to be something to me that I know only God alone can be for me, we all lose.

I'm grateful for my husband's leading to do what He feels like God is calling him to do, and for the ability to gently and lovingly saying no to me when I need it. Without it, he would have stayed home this weekend and we most likely would have had a great weekend together...but guess what? It's Monday morning again. I would've already been thirsty again. That's what always happens when I go to the wrong well. So I'm going into this week living off of the Living Water within me, and praying I stop seeking my fake wells.

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst." -John 4:13

Linking up with: The Modest Mom Blog, Sara Elizabeth, Kendra, Nan, Kayla, Kathy, Put a Bird on It

1 comment:

  1. This was such an honest post. I love the story of the woman at the well and I can identify with her too but not because I have had 5 husbands either but because I have made so many mess-ups. It is so wonderful to know that Jesus offers water that will satisfy my thirst entirely. I loved your thought about going to 'fake wells.' Thanks for sharing.

    I am visiting you from Nan's Mom's the Word.
